Nilüfer Kent Tiyatrosu “New Bulgarian Drama” Festivali’nde

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Bulgar yazar Hristo Boyçev tarafından yazılan Nilüfer Kent Tiyatrosu oyuncusu Batuhan Pamukçu’nun yönettiği “Titanik Orkestrası”  oyunu, 11-16 Mayıs  tarihleri arasında Bulgaristan’ın Şumnu kentinde gerçekleşecek olan  Theatre Festival “New Bulgarian Drama” 2019 (Yeni Bulgar Draması Tiyatro Festivali 2019) kapsamında sahnelenecek. Aynı zamanda 2018 yılında açılan Ayşe Selen Deneme Sahnesi’nin ilk oyunu olan “Titanik Orkestrası”12 Mayıs 2019 tarihinde festival kapsamında sahne alacak.

Yeni Bulgar Draması festivali her yıl Bulgaristan Kültür Bakanlığı, Şumnu Belediyesi, Bulgar Aktörler Birliği, “Yeni Bulgar Dramı” Kar Amacı Gütmeyen Derneği ve Drama-Kukla Tiyatrosu “Vasil Drumev” tarafından düzenleniyor.

Oyunun Konusu: Meto, Luko, Lyubka ve Doko, hiçbir trenin durmadığı, terk edilmiş bir garın sarhoş sakinleridir. Aynı gara sıkışıp kalmak dışında hiçbir ortak noktası olmayan bu dörtlünün, bir kısır döngüye dönüşmüş yaşantısı Harry’nin gelişiyle değişecektir. Hayal/umut satan bir sihirbaz, herhangi bir şovmen mi, yoksa gerçek bir kahraman mıdır HarryHoudini? Vadettiği gibi gardakileri hayal ettikleri yere götürebilir mi, bir tren durdurabilir mi, yoksa her şey bir illüzyondan mı ibarettir? Peki, hayatın ne kadarı illüzyon, ne kadarı gerçektir?

Oyuncular: Adem Mülazım, Gökhan Kum, Mesut Özsoy, Oğulcan Arman Uslu, Zeynep Çelik Küreş


“New Bulgarian Drama” Tiyatro Festivali’nin şartnamesi:


  1. The Festival “New Bulgarian Drama” aims to stimulate the creation of new plays, staging them.
  1. The Festival is held annually within 11 – 16 May 2019.
  1. The Festival consists three modules:
    1. OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCES built on plays by Bulgarian playwrights. The performances must be not shown in any previous edition of the Festival. 

             3.1.1     All professional theatres have rights to take part in the Festival – public, municipal, private as well as stage theatres from the country and abroad.

3.1.2. The performances offered for participation pass through а selection. Selectionist of 

the Festival singles  out  and confirms  the performances, declared their participations.

3.1.3The selection has two stages:

                         – 1st  stage – till   01 February of the year of the Festival – the performances, declared for participation must be sent on  DVD.

                         – 2nd stage – till 01 March of the year of the Festival – the selectionist watches the performances and confirms the program of the Festival.

             3.1.4.        The application form must be sent till 01 February of the year of the Festival: 

by mail to Blvd. ‘Slavianski’ 72, 9700 Shumen, Bulgaria  or by e-mail to 

             3.1.5.     The premiere of the declared performance has to be till 15 February of the year of the Festival.

    1. 3.2.AUTHOR`S READING – gives a chance for selected unpublished and unproduced Bulgarian plays to be read for audience. 
    2. 3.3.parallel  PROGRAM    it includes presentation of exhibitions; producer`s, scenographer`s, actor`s projects; performances, seminars, workshops, conferences etc.
  1. The Festival “NEW BULGARIAN DRAMA” is organized annually by the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture,  Municipality of Shumen, The Union of Bulgarian Actors,  “New Bulgarian Drama” Non-profit Association and Drama-Puppet Theatre “Vasil Drumev” – Shumen.
  1. For the proper conducting of the Festival take care:
    1. BOARD OF THE FESTIVAL including:
      1. Chairman – The Mayor of Shumen Municipality.
      2. Members:
    • The Deputy Mayor of Shumen Municipality;
    • A representative of the Ministry of culture;
    • A representative of the Union of Bulgaria Actors;
    • A representative of “NEW BULGARIAN DRAMA” Non-profit Association
    • A representative of the  Drama-Puppet Theatre ”Vasil Drumev”;
      1. The Director of Drama-Puppet Theatre “Vasil Drumev” – Shumen is also Director of the “NEW BULGARIAN DRAMA” Festival.
    1. JURY hired by the BOARD OF THE FESTIVAL. It includes approved professionals from the field of the theatrical art.
  1. All foreigner troupes obtain certificate of participation and plaque.
  1. The funds for organization and running of the Festival are provided and distributed by the Board of the Festival. The funds are distributed as follows: 

For the companies from abroad the festival takes the expenses for transport (fuel) at the territory of Bulgaria – from the border to Shumen and back to the border, meal  and lodging – providing lodging/hotel for two nights per group.

    1. For jury, workshop tutors and prizes.
    2. For advertising.
    3. For additional expenses.

*Remark: The travelling expenses are paid only to the actors and the technical staff directly involved in the approved performance. The allowances include the transportation charges of the groups in both directions.

  1. The incomes from the performances played during the Festival are in favor of the Drama-Puppet Theatre “Vasil Drumev”, Shumen.



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